I hate that we have to wait a whole day to get the results now. HATE. Also, I hate that we have to see the two worst dances again. Why did the BBC think this was a good plan? I moaned about this last year. I promise not to moan about it (too much) this year. But oh my god. So many things I would fix about the results show if I had the power. So many things I would fix about the whole show, come to think of it. Starting with Bruce and ending with the judges.
But anyway.
ALESHA. MATTHEW. Dixon&Cutler return for another round in the ring, and we get to see their training. Oh, the happy memories. FellowStrictlyWatcher and I had a bit of a reminisce. Remember her laugh? Remember how she wouldn't stop talking? Remember when she wore a stunning dress and he couldn't concentrate on the dance at all? Oh, they are super.
The professionals danced: you could tell it was a Foxtrot from the ugly dresses. There seemed to be a medieval princess theme. Certainly an Anton/Erin creation; their dances rarely have couple doing solos, and are much more about people dancing in unison or in... I want to say rounds. Like singing. Also, Erin danced with Matthew. (Aww.) And Karen seems to have abandoned Brendan in favour of Matthew, which is completely understandable.
Then the group dance. So much incompetence, so little floor space. Watching the professionals attempting to steer their celebrity into the right place was just hysterical; Austin was boogieing away, John was laughing, all the lifts seemed to go wrong. On the plus side, Jessica Wallace looked alot more confident than she did last night. Yay?
Claudia had a chat with Tess and OH! HER HAIR. She looks like a grown up! It's a bit odd, but quite, quite pretty. I did always think that Claudia would turn into one of those beautiful older women, and it seems like I was right. It's going to take some getting used to, and I'm glad to see she is still as silly as ever. "Not just saying castle, that would be weird."
Bruce talked for ages and ages and ages with Bette Midler, for no apparent reason. Did they have some extra time to fill or did he just get distracted? It was all a bit much, wasn't it? Then she sang, very nicely, but really, the wing gesture was the highlight. The wind beneath my wings. Get it? WINGS. Then Ola and Jordan came out and danced a rumba. It's always a rumba. Usually Ola&James or Darren&Lilia, and occasionally Ian&Camilla. It's just sad how little ballroom they have in this section, by which I mean how little Anton&Erin we have.
... and finally to the point of the show. I'm glad Gary and Karen were saved, because going out in the first week two years in a row is a bit much. And John didn't end up in the bottom two! Mostly, the bottom two were the ones I'd have picked.
The dance off:
Phil and Flavia: he did smile for a minute at the begining, but then he went completely wrong, so he was back to the slight grimace of concentration. Overall it was about the same as the first time.
Don and Lilia: the section in front of the judges was better, but he completely messed up a section later on... he did smile alot more than Phil and he seemed more relaxed than the first time.
I would have saved Don and Lilia, I think overall. I don't normally agree with Len, but this early on in the competition, I think enjoyment and entertainment are bigger factors than ability, if only because the level of ability is so low. I can't imagine Don and Lilia lasting much longer though.
Next week the girls are doing a foxtrot and a salsa. Week two used to be rumba and quickstep, didn't it? How odd. Oh well prepare for the typical ugly foxtrot dresses. At least they gave us some warning. Plus, we get a whole week of Claudia before then.
2 days ago
The way to do it is to set this to record on your PVR, start watching from the beginning about 15 minutes after the official start time, and then fastforward the boring bits, recaps, Bruce N Bette Banter etc, so you still end up finishing with the results at the same time as everyone else. If you don't have a PVR it is worth getting just for this. (Even the PVR won't screen the show for you a day early though.)
We have a HDD in our freeview box, which is simillar, I'm guessing? We do use that technique for avoid adverts, but I hadn't considered doing it for Strictly! I don't mind the boring bits so much as it allows plenty of time for me and FSW to bitch, moan and reminise about how pretty Erin is. ;)
Not sure why my comment yesterday hasn't appeared, but here's the gist without the highly amusing superfluous bits. Use your HDD to record Saturday's show and then watch immediately before the results show. Voila!
That is cunning, peteraj. Very very cunning. I'm not sure I'd have the strength to not watch Strictly on a Saturday then. (Also occasionally our HDD breaks and refuses to record things.)
I'm sort of getting over the results show. It's more the principle of the thing. The whole dance off and Len being smug and them all being so smug and 'woe is me!' about how much power they have. And everything.
I'm sasd I did not get your amusing comment! *pokes internet to see if it falls out*
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