What? WHAT? WHAT? I hate the dancing I hate the dancing I hate the dancing. I've been saying this for weeks. Tonight was much more justified though.
I know that letting people vote when it wouldn't make any difference to result is going to cause a scandal, but for christs sake DO MATHS QUICKER. We worked out what was going to happen before the main show ended; the BBC should have done so to.
I can't believe they let them all through. I can't believe it, when Tom was so much worse in both dances. It wasn't like all three were really close and Tom had had one really good dance, he was far below the standard of Lisa and Rachel, he deserved to be in the dance off. And perhaps he would have done really well and got through anyway.
Of course, they did spend the whole show telling us that it was much more difficult for the men, and that no one remembers that. Well, why would we, it's not as if we are told that over and over and over again by anyone, is it? So the real reason why Tom's marks were so much lower than the others is because he's a man. He should get extra points just to make things fair.
They changed the rules for Baby Spice back in series 4, because the judges loved her and the public refused to vote for her. Urgh.
The BBC needs to make more contingency plans if they are going to continue make tv that is live and involves audience participation. Because that's the sort of tv that goes wrong alot and needs quick and efficent sorting out.
I remember a time when tv wasn't always rubbish. I'm sure it's not just the hazy glowing memory of my childhood, honest.
2 days ago
I wasn't sure what the hell was going on with the voting as I was out of the room when they mentioned the voting being stopped, and the kids couldn't explain it to me. It felt like a cheat because I'm sure they just wanted the three of them in the final to make it more interesting. I do think it is more difficult for the men in the sense that they have to do the leading, so a woman dancing with a professional has an advantage if she cocks up. Can't stand Lisa and don't know why she got such good marks. In fact, why have they given so many tens this series for good but not great dancing? Rachel is good but I don't think she's a patch on Alesha. None of them are. I know Tom's dancing wasn't as good last night, but I found his jive really entertaining, while the girls' dances just seemed a bit bland. I think the judges have decided Lisa is going to win.
It feels just awful, because basically this week doesn't count. So the fact that that Lisa got 40 points, and that Rachel did the most amazing Argentine Tango was pointless.
The scoring this year has gone mad. Tens get given out for any good dance and not saved for the truely exceptional, the way they used to be. I feel like they are trying to convince us this year has had brilliant dancers. When Len said that he wished he had an 11 I felt like screaming. If he needs an 11, that means it should have been a ten, and all his previous scores were a point too high. I watched the first show of series 3, and lots of dances were getting 3 or4 for Craig and Arlene and 5s from Len and Bruno. Nowadays they would probably be getting 6s or 7s from everyone, except Craig who, for the most part seems to score the same as he always has.
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